Orbitrap Eclipse
Protein identification and quantification at the nanogram level
Single cell protein identification and quantification using TMT technology
FAIMS ion source filter for increased sensitivity and extended protein sequence coverage
Post-translational modification analysis
Small molecule profiling and MS3
Orbitrap Exploris 480
Protein identification and quantification at low microgram or sub-million cells level
FAIMS ion source filter for increased sensitivity and extended protein sequence coverage
Post-translational modification analysis
Orbitrap Q Exactive HF
Intact protein characterisation and quantification at microgram level
Small molecule open profiling
Shimadzu 8060 LCMS
​​Targeted quantitative analyses: e.g. short chain fatty acids, psilocybin, etc.
Fluxomics: e.g. U13C central carbon metabolism
Lipid mediators, phospholipids
Targeted metabolic pathways: e.g. central carbon metabolism, mevalonate pathway
Shimadzu TQ 8050Â GCMS
Open profiling of hundreds of compounds: e.g. polar compounds, fatty acids
Targeted quantitative analyses: e.g. alcohols
Headspace SPME: e.g. aromatics, volatile organic, permanent & light gases
Three Thermo Scientific Vanquish Duo
UHPLC IC-6000 Duo
Detectors: FLD, DAD, RID, CAD, PAD
Targeted quantitative analyses: e.g. amino acids, organic acids, sugars, alcohols, aromatic compounds, crotonic acid, isoprenoids & more
Hamilton and FlowBot
High throughput proteomics sample preparation using S-TRAPS
Enables the preparation of hundreds of samples in hours, reliably and reproducibly